Before I came down I had asked him to keep his ear open for anyone selling partridge berry jam at the church or on the highway. Instead, when I arrived, I was presented with a gallon of partridge berries and blueberries to make my own! What a guy... I've never made jam before nor have any real idea of how to guess it.

I assumed it was similar to cranberry sauce. Pretty close - no added water and less sugar. Now I say less sugar based on granddads research; uncle David uses 2.5c sugar for four gallons, or 1c for one gallon. I chose to make mine with 2.5c with once gallon... Sweet jam and partridge berries can be tart! I spent the afternoon in the kitchen with his propane stove and jam bubbles popping everywhere and scalding my arms (oven mitts only go so far). But I managed to bottle them and they sealed, five and a half bottles!

Everyone I know is getting a bottle now cause I know dad will be rotted.
Location:Granddads - Norris Arm