Well, I'm off on another grand adventure!
Mum and I just got our pre-trip package in the mail, which reminded me that I should write on here...
I'm jet setting tomorrow to Newfoundland to surprise my grandfather for a couple weeks. Should be great, and he'll be thrilled - I hope he dosent get a heart attack from it. I'm gonna stick around there, drive into the city to visit Sam and the other girls from school, then hopefully head to up L'anse aux Meadows with granddad to check that out!
After a couple weeks there I'm making my way back to Ontario, with a stop over in NS to see Sean and Jacqueline for a weekend. Amped for that, I've never really been to NS other than Halifax. They live in Wolfeville so that'll be a nice little drive. Then on to London to see some family and possibly a friend from school. Then on to North Bay (I know, waaay out of the way) to see Katie and her little family. This will all conclude with a week in Toronto with Eric and Jane and a baseball game!!
This is where it gets exciting...
Mum and I are going to Russia! Eep! We're going on a river cruise (I know it's for seniors) from St. Petersburg to Moscow. Holy hannah I cannot wait! I dont want to take away from my month off work right now so I'll leave it at that... and update a little closer to leaving.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Friday, August 3, 2012
Last day of field work
To sum up what I have been at in town is quite simple: paddling the Yellowknife River. Glen and I started heading out pretty much everyday week day after we got back from Jean Marie River in June. The weather was unbelievable, some days reaching 30c! The goal for this project was to ideally find coney fish bones, and pre-contact sites. Both big hopes - coneys havent been in the river since the 60s and the river is so constantly used that any possible sites would be highly disturbed.
We checked out around the mouth of the river, denadda. Some old prospecting shacks and a pile of old cores. We paddled up river from the bridge, denadda. A huge permafrost slump where you can see the ice melting out! The ground was crumbling from beneath us... and Glen stepped in the soft wet till which had morphed into quick sand! Crazy!
We finally had success at Tartan Rapids, we would paddle over from Cassidy point and just wander around. Everything there were surface finds, whereas we had spent the first few weeks digging deep, deep test pits.
Today, our last day, was spent hiking. We followed a trail overland to the river from the highway. Super awesome trail that I will be bringing Corona to. Nice and high above the lake. There was a wonderful breeze which meant ZERO bugs. Just an all around great finish to the field season. I even found a lithic scatter there!
Too bad I cannot continue on with Glen in September :(
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