It was a a jam packed week, and a great one at that. I checked out the ROM on Monday, the AGO on Tuesday, went to class with Eric on Wednesday and a ball game last night!
Monday and Tuesday I spent wandering around the city and learning at the same time. The ROM was cool as usual - they had a travelling exhibit about South American dinosaurs! AGO didn't have anything spectacular, unlike when I went last year to see the David Blackwood exhibit. Though I did find an A.Y. Jackson painting of Yellowknife! I knew he went up there a few times to paint as there are a couple sketches of his at the Museum at home... but this one is fantastic! Those two days were also spent walking around downtown, checked out the waterfront and got my nails done (highlight of the trip?) Tuesday night we met up with a friend of mine, Terry, who took us out to dine in Greek Town. It really was Greek. Haha, I just thought it was going to be an area that was called that but wasn't really Greek... boy was I wrong, all the signs were in Greek, tons of Greek restaurants and Greek stores! It was pretty cool. Terry ordered an assortment for us, which was fabulous! Various dips, lamb, calamari, grape leaf wraps and pan fried cheese. All so yummy.
On Wednesday I went to York to sit in on one of Eric's classes. It was quite the jaunt out to York from Janes, but made it successfully and really enjoyed the class! It was his historigraphy class, the topic that day was Material Culture. My forte. It was neat, they had a huge discussion on the importance of them, and whether the "story" comes from the object itself, or if stories are imprinted upon the objects. Then we learnt how to describe an object without implying what you might think it is.
It was a pretty fun class, and made me want to go back to school, but walking through those halls with the vast amount of students didnt.

Yesterday was a final getting ready to leave day, I had some errands to run and a lunch date with Tim and Kate. It was a nice visit, saw photos of their girls and just caught up. I haven't seen Kate in about five years I think. We ate in the underground world of Toronto, so crazy. It is seriously another city down there - Tim said there are grocery stores, clothing stores, restaurants, everything. They connect to all the office buildings, the mall, the subway and numerous condos. Some people never have to go out side!
Then Jane and I met up with some of her friends and Eric for a ball game - Jays vs. Yankees. It was a pretty uneventful game. The stands were empty! Whole sections without a single person. The Jays won 6-0, so that was good. Nothing like going to a game and the home team losing :(
So after a great week in Toronto, I set off tonight for Russia!