Monday, March 1, 2010

First Entry

So I am heading over to Europe in one month. It will be my third time heading to the continent, different countries mind you.
Initially I am going to Sweden to stay with my best friend Cailan who is teaching there, then come the end of her school year we will be venturing elsewhere throughout the continent. We really have no idea...
I know that this is early, I havent left yet, but I have some goals I'm setting for the month before I leave, the biggest one being training for this rediculous ski jaunt. The Rock and Ice Ultra. Why I suddenly decided to attempt this, I have no effing clue. I only started skiing in January, and havent even taken any lessons! Yet, for some absurd reason, I think that I can accomplish this 50km ski. Dear lord. I have until the 12th to back out, but right now I am gung ho! Hitting up the gym and skiing as much as I can whilst looking after my emotionally neurotic dog.
My other stressing goal is from work. I have to have a poster map created, out for tender, printed and delivered before March 31st, not only because that is my last day, but also that is when the funding for the map dissapears. Right now the map is partially completed, the tender has been sent to the finance lady to be made public.... and that is it. Ugh. Please I need it completed!
So in short, I guess this is just a recap of my preparing to leave for five months, and to get into the habit of writing again... it is apparent just from re-reading this that my writing ability has escaped me.
Come back!

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