Monday, June 14, 2010

Weekend getaway

One cool thing about living in a small country is that you can go away for just a weekend.
Cailan and I went to Stockholm on Saturday for a party. Just for a party, no big deal.
A friend of ours just graduated from his masters and he had a graduation party. So we hopped on the train, enjoyed some wine on our way there. Arrived in Stockholm and met a bunch of people.
Woke up Sunday morning and went to the National Natural History Museum with four others then we were going to check out an Annie Leibovitz photography exhibit and catch the train back home.
I wish I could do that from home, I guess you can fly to Edmonton or Calgary... but that's such a hassle! Having to check in at the aeroport and get to and from the areoport.... train travel is where it's at.
The Natural history place was actually pretty lame... even when you're punch drunk and everything is amusing, it managed to be a buzz kill. The human evolution section, I expect to interest me no matter where I am, was really bad. Everything else was just all jumbled together, like someone's cluttered shelves at home. And it was all pretty random... ammonites, humming birds and some bird wings all bunched together. With no little information thingers. Ha, it was actually fustraiting being there because it was such a mess. Mind you they did have some cool things, like a wall that was covered with mounted flutter-bys. We also stayed to watch a National Geographic 3D IMAX film Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure. Very brutal. I don't know why, but we were all anticipating it to be intense and thrilling and interesting and everything that the film wasn't.
We went to Gamla Stan, the old city for lunch at this amazing Italian restaurant. It reminded me a lot of the RichTree Market restaurant in Toronto... you have a card and walk up to different stations where they cook pasta or pizza for you right in front of you. Swipe your card and then pay for whatever you got at the end. It made me very excited to go to Italy cause my ravioli di carne was sooo good and I dont think I ever had a bad meal when I was in italy last time. Mmm good food!
We never made it to the the Annie Leibovitz exhibit, we took too long at the restaurant and we needed to get home at a decent time because Cailan needed to go to work this morning.
We're leaving Sweden this week, heading to Gothenburg on Wednesday for a music festival the West Coast Riot. Then to Copenhagen and we'll be in Pisa on the 21st, where it is currently 27c!

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