Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Come on Spring!

Well, its starting to get nice! The forecast however says it's going back to rain tomorrow. Drat. I have been enjoying the gradual warming with runs. The leaves are sloooowly emerging on the trees and the crocuses are out! When I lived out East they only were in purple, well, maybe I only saw purple ones. Here the crocuses are purple, yellow and white - Easter colours! Hmm... I wonder if that is where they came from?
I've met Cailan's friends here, they are nice and they all speak decent English, which is putting a hamper on my Swedish. The pronunciation of the different A's is really hard to remember.
I really don't have anything else to report. It is much like living at home, cept the signs aren't in English. I have yet to discover anything truly intriguing or inspiring here. Hopefully once I return from Norway I will be re-inspired to do something and figure out something with my life. Once I return we will be at much more I think. The science fair is on the go when I get back, then its the May day festival. We are going to see live music at the University, drink in the fields with bonfires and bbqs. Exciting! On the 6th I think Terry arrives and then I'll have come company during the days.

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